19 weeks pregnant with baby number 3

How many weeks? 
19 weeks 5 days at time of writing this

When is baby due?
 Our due date is March 31st 2016

How is baby doing?
Baby is now the size of a large mango, which is quite funny to think I have a mango sized baby in there. He/She is doing well, and I'm reassured daily by the movements I feel.

I've suffered with a bit of sciatica this week, which I fully put down to over doing it around the house... surly I cant be nesting already!?
My sense of smell is on over drive this week. I find myself hiding my nose in my jumper every time I open the fridge as the smell of veg in their makes me want to throw up the last thing I ate.

How I feel?
Excited!! Our 20 week scan is booked for Thursday and I am just literally counting down the hours. A few weeks ago, I wasn't really bothered about knowing our babies gender I could have happily gone full term without knowing. I seem to have done a complete U-turn in the past few days, and finding out the gender is all I seem to be thinking about. I honestly couldn't call this babies gender but if I had to guess I would probably say boy.

I've also been feeling rather worried this week and my mind is definitely on overdrive. I've been worrying about the upcoming scan. I always tend to worry about health/medical appointments. I'm trying to push the worry to the back of my mind and focus on how lovely it will be to see baby again.

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16 weeks pregnant

Today (October 15th) I'm 16 weeks pregnant and have just got back from my second midwives appointment.
I was really looking forward to this appointment as I was hoping to hear the heartbeat for the first time, and I did. I was even lucky enough to get  recording on my phone.

Hearing the heartbeat was amazing. It setted my mind putting me at ease and made me feel really excited about the pregnancy. I worry about everything, so to get a little bit of reassurance that everything is as it should be just makes me feel relaxed.

Symptoms wise I don't have many this week. One thing that sticks out in my mind (excuse the pun) is sensitive nipples. I had this in both my previous pregnancies but I don't remember it lasting this long or being this painful. I honestly felt my nipples were to explode last night as they were that painful.

My skin seems to have gone crazy this week and I think I have developed pregnancy acne which is new to me. Nothing I try seems to do any good. Its been making me really self-conscious and I seem to have been hiding in the house and avoiding being around anyone.

Sleep wise I think I'm out of that tired fog and feeling like I have more energy this week. Infarct things seem to have gone in the other direction and most nights I'm finding it hard to fall asleep.

Your big brothers have been really affectionate towards my bump. Riley is always coming for a cuddle and Ronny constantly comes over to plant a kiss. Riley seems very excited about the baby in my belly, he is adamant you are going to a boy called Charlie!

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Baby number 3

Yesterday I had my 12 week appointment - everything seems to be going well and we are very excited for our family to be growing. I gave up my blood and had my first scan. Everything looks how it should and I am relieved that there is just one tiny human growing in there. 

My estimated due date is 31st of March 2016 and I am 12 weeks 5 day's pregnant. 


So lets rewind back to July. My period was 5 days late. Something that was strange but not uncommon as I'd had long cycles in the past. Whilst out in town I decided to pick up a pregnancy test whilst in town. 

I decided to take the test while I was out in town
1 because I am incredibly inpatient and 2. Ronny was asleep in his buggy and I wasn't sure when Id next get a few mins to pee in peace without a toddler watching me. 

No sooner had I taken the test, I could see two lines. One telling me I had correctly peeped on stick and the other telling me I was pregnant. I am embarrassed to say that my first reaction was not happiness like the previous two times, but fear. This baby was not planned, at least not for another year. I was terrified of telling Steve. He had made no secret that he wanted to have more children, he just hoping to wait a few years before adding to our family.  was worried about the boys. How would they cope with a baby in the house? Were they ready? Was I ready? What would people think? 

A million questions went through my head in what seemed like a few minutes. I know I wanted this baby and that it would be loved. I was just full of fear. I felt alone. 

I tried to work out how best to tell Steve, but there was no need. As soon as he came home that evening he could tell something was wrong. He knew me well enough to know. 


Before I'd even taken a test I had a sneaky suspicion that I could be pregnant. Not because I "felt" pregnant but because I looked pregnant. I had awful bloating and remember saying to Steve that I thought there could be a tiny bean growing in my belly.

Now I'm sure every women complains of the first trimester tiredness, and I'm no different. I'm a pretty tired person as it goes, which I fully put down to running around after a 1 year old and a 3 year old. Throughout this pregnancy I have felt constantly shattered and been in bed by 9 pm most evening. I'm usually up just before 7 am but thankfully my brilliant partner has been earning some gold stars, and getting up with the boys letting me have a little longer to rest. 

After horrendous morning sickness with both boys, I seemed to have been lucky this time round and avoided the constant throwing up. However I've been so lucky with tummy trouble I'm not sure which is worse.

Compared to my previous two pregnancies, his time around I have not experienced many pregnancy symptoms. Which has left me feeling very anxious. Out of all my pregnancies this is the most anxious I've felt and I felt that up until my scan I was not feeling at all positive about this pregnancy. When I saw that tiny flicker of a heartbeat at the scan I instantly felt a massive weight lifted off me, and for the first time in 12 long weeks I felt excited. 

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An announcement

I am back folks, with possibly the best excuse to start bloging again.

I'm pregnant!!!! 

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Our Family Meal #1

Meal planning used to be part of my weekly routine. I'd open my laptop, sit down with my cook books and search for inspiration and ideas of what tasty food I would cook for my family. As sad as it may sound I actually liked doing this. 
I liked knowing what I was going to be cooking and what I needed to buy when doing the weekly shop. I also found I spent a lot less when I wasn't winging it or being taken in the special offers. I seemed to have fallen off the wagon and meal planning has gone out the window. This means I'm often just chucking random meals together and constantly popping to the shop or sending Steve out for supplies. 

So here is our meal plan for the week. I have started it from Saturday as that is usually when we do our food shop.

Saturday - Corn beef hash
Sunday - Roast
Monday - Sweet chilli prawns with noodles
Tuesday - home-made pizzas and wedges
Wednesday -  Toad in the hole with mash and veggies 
Thursday - chicken wrapped in bacon with sweet corn and chips 
Friday - Chicken and sweet-potato curry

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Ronny at 19 months

Just recently I have been having moments where I have been getting sad that, I have not kept some sort of diary to record all your little mile stones. So here is a little post about you.

Ronny, Ron-Ron, our little bon-bon to us you are all of these things are so much more.
You are 19 months old and have been for a few weeks now. Your no longer a baby, you are such a funny little thing at times and I am so proud to call you my son. You keep me on my toes all day as your not a sit still kind of toddler. You are loved so much by us all especially your big brother, and I look forward to watching your bond with him grow.

Like your big brother you are very much a water baby. Bath time is your favourite part of the day and you love to put your head under the water and  pretend that you are swimming. When your not pretending to be a fish you love to chuck the wet sponge out of the bath and soak mummy.
You like to play outside, your an animal lover and get so excited when you see any type of animal, music and dancing. You are obsessed with the hoover and get very excited before I even get it out of the cupboard.

At 19 months old, you show a grate deal of understanding and you know a lot more than you care to let on sometimes. We often ask you where your trousers are and you instantly look down to show us that you know.

When it comes to communication, apart from a few words (mama, no, yes, hi ya and more) you are still not talking. You babble a lot at make sounds but as for actual talking your not quite there yet. When your big brother was this age he had a larger vocabulary, however I think once you start talking there will be no stopping you.

When it comes to sleep you couldn't be any better. You go to bed around 7pm, any later than that and you become over tired and stand at the bottom of the stairs waiting for someone to take you to bed. When we moved here you were 15 months old and still sharing a room with mummy and daddy. The first night we put you into your room, we expected it would take you some time getting settled and used to being in your own bedroom. However you surprised us both and slept perfectly without any problems and have continued to do so ever since.
There is one issue you have with sleep and that is your big brother Riley. He likes to come into your room as soon as he wakes up and jump in your cot with you. This is something that you very much dislike and will stand in your cot crying until me or daddy comes in.
You are still napping in the day and usually just have the one nap at home. Usually you are ready to go back to bed at 10 and sleep for about an hour and half.

tou. Your favourite foods are pasta, bananas, porridge and spaghetti hoops. You enjoy food that has flavour to it. Recently you have learnt to feed yourself using a fork and spoon and get a little upset when mummy try's to help feed you. When you mange to feed yourself using your spoon you are full of smiles.
You not a massive fan of eating your vegetables but I do try and sneak them into you where I can.
After breakfast in the morning you love to sit with me and share my cup of tea. You do end up wearing most of it though.

You are a very social little toddler and love being in the company of other children. You and Riley have a few little friends that we meet up with regularly and you love being in their company and play so nicely together. You seem to enjoy being around men and especially love being with your granddad, its not really surprising when you come from a family that is 90% boys.
You can be very clingy at times where its at home or out and about. I am trying to encourage you to be less clingy as I don't want it to become an issue when you start nursery. I want you to learn that its ok that your not with me all the time. I want you to be confident around other people, something that I am not at times.  

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