Our Family Meal #1

Meal planning used to be part of my weekly routine. I'd open my laptop, sit down with my cook books and search for inspiration and ideas of what tasty food I would cook for my family. As sad as it may sound I actually liked doing this. 
I liked knowing what I was going to be cooking and what I needed to buy when doing the weekly shop. I also found I spent a lot less when I wasn't winging it or being taken in the special offers. I seemed to have fallen off the wagon and meal planning has gone out the window. This means I'm often just chucking random meals together and constantly popping to the shop or sending Steve out for supplies. 

So here is our meal plan for the week. I have started it from Saturday as that is usually when we do our food shop.

Saturday - Corn beef hash
Sunday - Roast
Monday - Sweet chilli prawns with noodles
Tuesday - home-made pizzas and wedges
Wednesday -  Toad in the hole with mash and veggies 
Thursday - chicken wrapped in bacon with sweet corn and chips 
Friday - Chicken and sweet-potato curry

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