Down in the south east, the weather today has been lovely. Steve managed to get the day off work so we have been pottering in the garden, getting it ready for the summer. Here are a few pictures I took whilst having a play around with the camera.



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10 things that've made me happy this week

It is finally April, and I have fully welcomed the month with open arms. Its fair to say March was pretty rubbish. We had everything thrown at us in those 31 days, everything from moving, losing a loved one, a hospital trip, illness to our car braking.
Id started to get myself into a right state with dwelling on all the horrible negative things going on, that all the nice positive thing in my life we passing me by.
Here is a little run down of 10 things that have made me happy this week.

1. Catching up with my best friend. We hadn't seem each other since her wedding (Feb 13th) so a catch up was much overdue.

2. Spending our evenings, keeping cosy and warm by your open fire. That thing really chucks out some heat.

3. Dressing my boys in matching outfits. Its not something I make a habit of doing but they both looked so cute.

4. Milky caramel coffee.

5. Listening to my little Riley singing "I really, really, really, really, really, really like you" over and over again. He's totally going to overkill that song but it melts my heart.

6. Easter. Egg. Chocolate. Do I need to say anything else.

7. Spending a lovely afternoon with my boys. We went for dinner, played in the arcade and even squeezed in a little stroll along the seafront.

8. Going up to bed and finding Riley all smuggled up under the covers. My bed was lovely and warm once I'd popped him back into his bed.

9. The rain. Now this is not usually something that makes me happy, as I'm definitely a summer girl but I do love listening to it beating down on the conservatory roof.

10. Clean bedding,
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