Hello everyone and welcome to my boys and me.
A little introduction.
A little introduction.

This is Steve. My fiancé and the boys dad. We've been together for 8 years and in 2014 he finally asked me to marry him. He is self employed and works very hard to provide for me and the boys. When he is not working he can usually be found, on the ps4 or being used as a human climbing frame.

Riley is our first born. He's 3 going on 13. He loves going to nursery 2 days a week, where he gets to play with his best friend Max. He is very cheeky and loves playing with anything that has wheels.

Ronny is our second son and the latest edition to our family. He is now 17 months old and is well into the toddler stage. He enjoys chewing everything and leaving a trail of mess behind him. His loves bananas and pasta.
I'm Kelly, a typical twenty something stay at home mum. I spend most of my days with the boys, running around after them and keeping the house in order. I'm currently on a health kick trying to lose weight and be more healthier.
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