Yesterday I had my 12 week appointment - everything seems to be going well and we are very excited for our family to be growing. I gave up my blood and had my first scan. Everything looks how it should and I am relieved that there is just one tiny human growing in there.
My estimated due date is 31st of March 2016 and I am 12 weeks 5 day's pregnant.
So lets rewind back to July. My period was 5 days late. Something that was strange but not uncommon as I'd had long cycles in the past. Whilst out in town I decided to pick up a pregnancy test whilst in town.
I decided to take the test while I was out in town
1 because I am incredibly inpatient and 2. Ronny was asleep in his buggy and I wasn't sure when Id next get a few mins to pee in peace without a toddler watching me.
No sooner had I taken the test, I could see two lines. One telling me I had correctly peeped on stick and the other telling me I was pregnant. I am embarrassed to say that my first reaction was not happiness like the previous two times, but fear. This baby was not planned, at least not for another year. I was terrified of telling Steve. He had made no secret that he wanted to have more children, he just hoping to wait a few years before adding to our family. was worried about the boys. How would they cope with a baby in the house? Were they ready? Was I ready? What would people think?
A million questions went through my head in what seemed like a few minutes. I know I wanted this baby and that it would be loved. I was just full of fear. I felt alone.
I tried to work out how best to tell Steve, but there was no need. As soon as he came home that evening he could tell something was wrong. He knew me well enough to know.
Before I'd even taken a test I had a sneaky suspicion that I could be pregnant. Not because I "felt" pregnant but because I looked pregnant. I had awful bloating and remember saying to Steve that I thought there could be a tiny bean growing in my belly.
Now I'm sure every women complains of the first trimester tiredness, and I'm no different. I'm a pretty tired person as it goes, which I fully put down to running around after a 1 year old and a 3 year old. Throughout this pregnancy I have felt constantly shattered and been in bed by 9 pm most evening. I'm usually up just before 7 am but thankfully my brilliant partner has been earning some gold stars, and getting up with the boys letting me have a little longer to rest.
After horrendous morning sickness with both boys, I seemed to have been lucky this time round and avoided the constant throwing up. However I've been so lucky with tummy trouble I'm not sure which is worse.
Compared to my previous two pregnancies, his time around I have not experienced many pregnancy symptoms. Which has left me feeling very anxious. Out of all my pregnancies this is the most anxious I've felt and I felt that up until my scan I was not feeling at all positive about this pregnancy. When I saw that tiny flicker of a heartbeat at the scan I instantly felt a massive weight lifted off me, and for the first time in 12 long weeks I felt excited.