10 things that've made me happy this week

Happy Sunday. Thanks to the long East weekend this week has completely flown by and I feel like all I've done is ask what day it is as I've totally lost track.

Here's what has been making me happy this week ....

1. We spend Easter Sunday at our local rare breeds centre and we had such a lovely day. We did the Easter trail, watched pigs race and got to spend hours cooing over baby goats and lambs.

2. An afternoon spent with family. We unexpectedly popped into my parents house and ended staying for Chinese. The boys love it there and I love seeing them playing happily in the house that I grew up in.

3. Easter chocolate. Our house is full of it and we've been picking at it all week.

4. A unplanned play date. The kids played and mums chatted and drank tea. Bliss.

5. On Wednesday me and the boys took a stroll to collect some forms from the DRs surgery. Ronny refused to go in his buggy so he walked the whole way holding mine and Riley's hand.

6. Ronny finding it historical when I put baby power on him.

7. Getting our garden summer ready.

8. Riley saying "bunder bee" when he is trying to say bumble bee.

9. Spending some the morning with a friend me and Steve had not seen for years

10. Enjoying a hot bubble with, with absolutely no interruptions
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