Ronny at 19 months

Just recently I have been having moments where I have been getting sad that, I have not kept some sort of diary to record all your little mile stones. So here is a little post about you.

Ronny, Ron-Ron, our little bon-bon to us you are all of these things are so much more.
You are 19 months old and have been for a few weeks now. Your no longer a baby, you are such a funny little thing at times and I am so proud to call you my son. You keep me on my toes all day as your not a sit still kind of toddler. You are loved so much by us all especially your big brother, and I look forward to watching your bond with him grow.

Like your big brother you are very much a water baby. Bath time is your favourite part of the day and you love to put your head under the water and  pretend that you are swimming. When your not pretending to be a fish you love to chuck the wet sponge out of the bath and soak mummy.
You like to play outside, your an animal lover and get so excited when you see any type of animal, music and dancing. You are obsessed with the hoover and get very excited before I even get it out of the cupboard.

At 19 months old, you show a grate deal of understanding and you know a lot more than you care to let on sometimes. We often ask you where your trousers are and you instantly look down to show us that you know.

When it comes to communication, apart from a few words (mama, no, yes, hi ya and more) you are still not talking. You babble a lot at make sounds but as for actual talking your not quite there yet. When your big brother was this age he had a larger vocabulary, however I think once you start talking there will be no stopping you.

When it comes to sleep you couldn't be any better. You go to bed around 7pm, any later than that and you become over tired and stand at the bottom of the stairs waiting for someone to take you to bed. When we moved here you were 15 months old and still sharing a room with mummy and daddy. The first night we put you into your room, we expected it would take you some time getting settled and used to being in your own bedroom. However you surprised us both and slept perfectly without any problems and have continued to do so ever since.
There is one issue you have with sleep and that is your big brother Riley. He likes to come into your room as soon as he wakes up and jump in your cot with you. This is something that you very much dislike and will stand in your cot crying until me or daddy comes in.
You are still napping in the day and usually just have the one nap at home. Usually you are ready to go back to bed at 10 and sleep for about an hour and half.

tou. Your favourite foods are pasta, bananas, porridge and spaghetti hoops. You enjoy food that has flavour to it. Recently you have learnt to feed yourself using a fork and spoon and get a little upset when mummy try's to help feed you. When you mange to feed yourself using your spoon you are full of smiles.
You not a massive fan of eating your vegetables but I do try and sneak them into you where I can.
After breakfast in the morning you love to sit with me and share my cup of tea. You do end up wearing most of it though.

You are a very social little toddler and love being in the company of other children. You and Riley have a few little friends that we meet up with regularly and you love being in their company and play so nicely together. You seem to enjoy being around men and especially love being with your granddad, its not really surprising when you come from a family that is 90% boys.
You can be very clingy at times where its at home or out and about. I am trying to encourage you to be less clingy as I don't want it to become an issue when you start nursery. I want you to learn that its ok that your not with me all the time. I want you to be confident around other people, something that I am not at times.  

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