19 weeks pregnant with baby number 3
Thursday, November 12, 2015
How many weeks?
19 weeks 5 days at time of writing this
When is baby due?
Our due date is March 31st 2016
How is baby doing?
Baby is now the size of a large mango, which is quite funny to think I have a mango sized baby in there. He/She is doing well, and I'm reassured daily by the movements I feel.
I've suffered with a bit of sciatica this week, which I fully put down to over doing it around the house... surly I cant be nesting already!?
My sense of smell is on over drive this week. I find myself hiding my nose in my jumper every time I open the fridge as the smell of veg in their makes me want to throw up the last thing I ate.
How I feel?
Excited!! Our 20 week scan is booked for Thursday and I am just literally counting down the hours. A few weeks ago, I wasn't really bothered about knowing our babies gender I could have happily gone full term without knowing. I seem to have done a complete U-turn in the past few days, and finding out the gender is all I seem to be thinking about. I honestly couldn't call this babies gender but if I had to guess I would probably say boy.
I've also been feeling rather worried this week and my mind is definitely on overdrive. I've been worrying about the upcoming scan. I always tend to worry about health/medical appointments. I'm trying to push the worry to the back of my mind and focus on how lovely it will be to see baby again.
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