16 weeks pregnant

Today (October 15th) I'm 16 weeks pregnant and have just got back from my second midwives appointment.
I was really looking forward to this appointment as I was hoping to hear the heartbeat for the first time, and I did. I was even lucky enough to get  recording on my phone.

Hearing the heartbeat was amazing. It setted my mind putting me at ease and made me feel really excited about the pregnancy. I worry about everything, so to get a little bit of reassurance that everything is as it should be just makes me feel relaxed.

Symptoms wise I don't have many this week. One thing that sticks out in my mind (excuse the pun) is sensitive nipples. I had this in both my previous pregnancies but I don't remember it lasting this long or being this painful. I honestly felt my nipples were to explode last night as they were that painful.

My skin seems to have gone crazy this week and I think I have developed pregnancy acne which is new to me. Nothing I try seems to do any good. Its been making me really self-conscious and I seem to have been hiding in the house and avoiding being around anyone.

Sleep wise I think I'm out of that tired fog and feeling like I have more energy this week. Infarct things seem to have gone in the other direction and most nights I'm finding it hard to fall asleep.

Your big brothers have been really affectionate towards my bump. Riley is always coming for a cuddle and Ronny constantly comes over to plant a kiss. Riley seems very excited about the baby in my belly, he is adamant you are going to a boy called Charlie!

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