Things that have made me happy over the past 3 week

So it has been quite some time since I last did a what made me happy post. That's not because I have been a grumpy bugger and nothing has made me happy, but life has just been so busy. I feel like someone hit the fast forward button my life and everything has been happening in a blur. So here are the best its from the past 3 weeks.

  • Celebrating a 30th birthday - I'd just like to mention it wasn't mine, it was actually the Mr's birthday. His birthday was on the 13th of April and the 4 of us spend a lovely day together. We spent the morning at the zoo with the boys they were so well behaved and were amazed by all the animals. In the evening me and Steve went out to dinner while my mum very kindly looked after the boys. It had been years since we and Steve were able to go out for the evening and enjoy a lovely meal together.

  •  Slimming world -after a 4 month brake I finally took myself to my local group and joined again. I was really nervous as I had no idea what the scales were say. So when I was told that I weighted the same as I did when I left, I couldn't believe it. I've been to, two weigh ins since I re-joined and have lost both weeks. Fingers crossed it continues.

  • Our garden - I love our garden. Riley and Ronny have been loving it 100 times more than me, and this makes me happy. I love seeing them play out there and having so much space to run. Riley has been fascinated by all the creatures and loves dragging me out to see the snails. Ronny is just happy to have some out door space. Since he was born he has never had a garden so its all new to him and he has been fully making the most of it.

  • Making plans - over the last few weeks, Steve and I have had some really long chats about lots of thing we would like to do. The one I'm most excited about is our wedding. We have had lots of ideas flying around and were almost there with setting a date.

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